AutoIt and string encodings


The problem of internal representation of characters has been plaguing the computer industry since IT became widespread.
Initially every company used its own conventions and tables to represent text and symbols, making interoperability a nightmare. The growing demand for support of more symbols, control characters and non-Latin scripts made the situation even worse.
Character sets and their possible encodings resembles playing cards: tarot and poker don't use the same set of cards. Next, once a set is chosen, one must create a design (a representation or encoding) for each card so that every player recognizes them instantly.

Character sets

Today, all character sets fall into 2 families: Unicode and codepages.

  • Unicode
    Also know as ISO/IEC 10646, this huge and complex character set which has the formidable advantage to be universal: it aims to include every character or symbol ever used by humans, including cuneiform, hieroglyphs, Klingon, emoji and much more. Unicode version 13.0 (03/2020) defines 143,849 characters among the 1,112,064 possible codepoints defined by the standard.
    Unicode is more than just a character set and defines ways to handle directional text (left to right or right to left), combine glyphs in complex ways (graphemes), procedures to collate (compare) strings, compose/decompose characters and much more.
  • Codepages
    A simple codepage uses a table of N entries (typically 256) to map N characters or symbols to a numeric value. Every character in a string uses a 8-bit byte in most codepages, making good use of available memory when it was a scarce resource. The limitation to N characters however was an issue to portability and a large number of incompatible codepages were created. As a result one had to know or guess the encoding used in a received text file to process it correctly.
    To overcome the limitation introduced by short codepages making representation of large alphabets impossible (e.g. Chinese), more extensive codepages were created using a variable-width convention, the MBCS encodings (Multi-Byte Character Set).
  • The question of the representation of strings in memory or files using a given character set arose when IT started to use non-simple codepages.

    AutoIt strings encodings

    Native AutoIt strings use the UCS-2 character set and encoding. It is the subset of Unicode limited to the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane), the first 64k Unicode codepoints. This encoding uses 16-bit encoding units (each character is represented by a unsigned short value) where codepoints in range U+D800..U+DFFF (surrogates in UTF16) are not special and simply reserved for private use.
    Note that Windows has been handling Unicode for a very long time: Win 3.x, Win95, NT added a DLL to handle UCS-2, XP and up handled UTF16-LE.

    However, some applications need to process strings using other encodings.

  • UTF8
    UTF8 is a MBCS (variable-length) representation of a Unicode string using a series of 1 to 4 8-bit bytes. It is the ubiquitous encoding used in web pages, XML, ... being both bandwidth-efficient and able to encode the full Unicode character set.
  • Codepages
    Depending on Windows language settings, external files or streams you need to process or produce, you may need to use or convert strings to/from a non-Unicode codepage.
  • OEM codepages Are the traditional "DOS" codepages, one for each possible language setting in effect.
  • Windows codepages Also named "ANSI" codepages, they are the codepage used by the modern Windows console and defined by the language setting in effect, unless changed by the DHCP command. Note that the Windows console can also accept/display UTF8 after issuing the "DHCP 65001" command.
  • Special codepages Among those are the MBCSs used by many asian contexts and EBCDIC used by most IBM mainframes.
  • Converting to/from some codepage from/to native UCS2 AutoIt strings

    You can use these functions to perform the wanted conversion. Codepage identifier 65001 means UTF8 but you can pass any identifier supported by Windows.
    A list of codepages supported by Windows can be found here:

    ; To convert a native AutoIt string (UCS-2) to some codepage (by default UTF8):
    Func _StringToCodepage($sStr, $iCodepage = Default)
        If $iCodepage = Default Then $iCodepage = 65001
        Local $aResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", $iCodepage, "dword", 0, "wstr", $sStr, "int", StringLen($sStr), _
                "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
        Local $tCP = DllStructCreate("char[" & $aResult[0] & "]")
        $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "WideCharToMultiByte", "uint", $iCodepage, "dword", 0, "wstr", $sStr, "int", StringLen($sStr), _
                "struct*", $tCP, "int", $aResult[0], "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
        Return DllStructGetData($tCP, 1)
    EndFunc   ;==>_StringToCodepage

    ; To convert a string from a given codepage (by default UTF8) to a native AutoIt string (UCS-2):
    Func _CodepageToString($sCP, $iCodepage = Default)
        If $iCodepage = Default Then $iCodepage = 65001
        Local $tText = DllStructCreate("byte[" & StringLen($sCP) & "]")
        DllStructSetData($tText, 1, $sCP)
        Local $aResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", $iCodepage, "dword", 0, "struct*", $tText, "int", StringLen($sCP), _
                "ptr", 0, "int", 0)
        Local $tWstr = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $aResult[0] & "]")
        $aResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "MultiByteToWideChar", "uint", $iCodepage, "dword", 0, "struct*", $tText, "int", StringLen($sCP), _
                "struct*", $tWstr, "int", $aResult[0])
        Return DllStructGetData($tWstr, 1)
    EndFunc   ;==>_CodepageToString

    If you only need to convert native AutoIt strings to/from UTF8 (a very common use) you can use this

    $sMyString = "Hello Χαίρετε こんにちは Привет xin chào हैलो مرحبا 你好 שלום வணக்கம்"
    $sUTF8String = BinaryToString(StringToBinary($sMyString & @LF, 4), 1)

    ; reverse conversion:
    $sMyStringBack = BinaryToString(StringToBinary($sUTF8String & @LF, 1), 4)


    It is a good idea to use the default UTF8 encoding for your source files: your strings will display verbatim in both your source code and in Windows controls.
    It is also a good idea to set the SciTe4AutoIt3 console to UTF8 if ever you need to display characters or symbols not found in your default Windows codepage.

    To send UTF8 strings to the SciTe console, you can use this function:

    ; Unicode-aware ConsoleWrite for UTF8 SciTe console
    Func _ConsoleWrite($s)
        ConsoleWrite(BinaryToString(StringToBinary($s & @LF, 4), 1))
    EndFunc   ;==>_ConsoleWrite

    In addition, if your program may use the compiled CUI interface *or* the uncompiled SciTe console (e.g. for debugging), you can use this:

    ; Indirect Unicode-aware function for UTF8 Scite or CUI consolewrite
    Func __ConsoleWrite($s)
        Return (@Compiled ? _CUI_ConsoleWrite : _ConsoleWrite)($s)
    EndFunc   ;==>__ConsoleWrite

    ; Function for UTF16 CUI consolewrite
    Func _CUI_ConsoleWrite(ByRef $s)
        Local Static $hCon = _CUI_ConsoleInit()
        DllCall("kernel32.dll", "bool", "WriteConsoleW", "handle", $hCon, "wstr", $s & @LF, "dword", StringLen($s) + 1, "dword*", 0, "ptr", 0)
    EndFunc   ;==>_CUI_ConsoleWrite

    ; Helper function for CUI consolewrite
    Func _CUI_ConsoleInit()
        DllCall("kernel32.dll", "bool", "AllocConsole")
        Return DllCall("kernel32.dll", "handle", "GetStdHandle", "int", -11)[0]
    EndFunc   ;==>_CUI_ConsoleInit

    For instance, run this code sample using the above functions; Hello should display correctly in different languages identically in the MsgBox and the console (SciTe or CUI):

    $sMyString = "Hello Χαίρετε こんにちは Привет xin chào हैलो مرحبا 你好 שלום வணக்கம்"
    MsgBox(0, "", $sMyString)